Belgrade, Serbia

3 hour Belgrade City Tour - Panoramic Ride and Walking Tour

Ticket e-voucher
3h duration
Wow, this activity is currently unavailable, but don't worry, you can still find other amazing activities to boost your trip!
Check off the highlights of Belgrade and get your bearings in the city on this comprehensive 3-hour sightseeing tour.


Explore the New Belgrade, Dedinje, and Upper town on both sides of the Sava River; walk around Kalemegdan Park and the Belgrade Castle complex; and see landmarks including the Church of Saint Sava, the House of Flowers, and St. Mark’s Church. Start the tour from your accommodation, and head towards New Belgrade, on the other side of the Sava River...

What's Included

  • Guide
  • Transport
  • Air-conditioned transportation
  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • Entrance fee

Important informations

  • Please make sure you answer all the mandatory questions during the booking process.
  • It is the traveler's sole responsibility to have all the necessary documentation up to date, so research in advance everything that is required at the destination of your activity.

Care of Covid-19

Remember that with a pandemic, the documentation required may vary from place to place. Confirm what local authorities may require: proof of full vaccination, negative PCR test, and more. Find out what are the requirements of your destination and the location of the activity.

Oh, and don't forget to wear a mask, clean your hands often, and try to maintain social distance.

How to get there

  • Hotel exit:
    • Hotel pick-up available.
      The supplier will contact you by phone the day before the tour (around 7pm) in order to confirm the exact pick-up time and point.

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How to get to activity 3 hour Belgrade City Tour - Panoramic Ride and Walking Tour?

What is included in the 3 hour Belgrade City Tour - Panoramic Ride and Walking Tour activity?